Publishing Center

Introduction of Publishing Center
Undoubtedly, preparing and compiling the content of the textbook are plays a very important role in creating the necessary conditions for growth and self-confidence, initiative and creativity of students. Therefore, it is necessary to provide grounds for the realization of the important and vital category of "knowledge production". This is due to the educational system of Payame Noor University, which is based on the characteristics and principles of the "open" and "distance" educational and started its work during 3 decades with the focus on book and content production.  At the same time by developing in communication technology the need for e-learning has become more important by using the modern methods in a serious way. Therefore, the publishing center has become one of the most important and sensitive departments of Payame Noor University, which has the general task production of course and research resources.

Missions and Tasks of the Publishing Center
- Policy-making, planning and action for the preparation and course content based on the topics approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
- Continuous cooperation with all department and academic member in order to identify effective authors and invite them to produce or update course content
- Scientific review and evaluation of course content in produce and has been produced
- Printing and distributing University published in paper and electronic format

List of books subject published:
books subject
Islamic Theology
Social Sciences
Basic Sciences
Educational Sciences and Psychology
Management, Economics and Accounting
Art and Architecture            
Monday 2/24/2020
©Copyright Payame Noor University. Tehran, Iran 19395-4697.