Research Center for Environment and Sustainable Development

Environment and sustainable development research center
with the aim of helping to meet the scientific research, and educational needs, will work to establish a link between the community and the university, by the implementation of joint national and international projects, and holding joint specialized training courses in the field of environment and sustainable development. This research center is demand-oriented and of (the second type) of Payame Noor University.
The center has a natural and legal entity while being affiliated with the University's Vice Chancellor for Research. The research groups of this center are listed below:
-         The group of Environmental education and new technologies
-         The group of Social and psychological studies
-         The group of Management, planning, and entrepreneurship
-         The group of Environmental sciences
-         The group of the relations with industry and HSE

The goals of the research center include the following items:

- Fulfill the requirements of studies and researches in various fields of environment and sustainable development in the country and abroad.
- Development and expansion of study and research on various environmental issues and topics and sustainable development.
- Assist in decision-making at different levels of environmental planning, management, and training.
- Design, implementation, and coordination of research activities in the desired fields.
- Promoting and enriching the literature and scientific discussions, doing the investigations, and expanding the frontiers of environmental knowledge and sustainable development.
- Interaction with research centers and UNESCO chairs inside and outside the country in order to develop international cooperation.
- Amplification and developing the basic, practical, and developmental Interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific research collaborations.
- Helping to train expert human resources in the field of environment and sustainable development with short-term pieces of training.
- Development of group and network collaborations with active experts in the field of environment and sustainable development inside the country and abroad.
- Development of cooperation with the industry and services institutions of the country in the fields related to environment and sustainable development.
Monday 2/24/2020
©Copyright Payame Noor University. Tehran, Iran 19395-4697.