Research and Technology at Payame Noor University

The mission of Payame Noor University Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology is to present and implement programs to develop and improve the quantitative and qualitative research activities of the university, maintain and promote the national and international scientific position of the university in national and international rankings, increase the university's role in developing superior technologies, developing relationships with industry and society, creating appropriate research structures and updating the mission of existing structures, as well as trying to increase social impact based on the university's social responsibility.
      Research institutes, study centers, and innovation and growth centers, as subdivisions in the field of research and technology, are in charge of the ecological development of applied research, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the university and society. These sub-departments help to form and develop fundamentally creative knowledge businesses and strengthen the university's technological outputs by benefiting from capable and creative professors and students and using different spaces and physical facilities in different parts of the country and various programs.
Monday 2/24/2020
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