As the largest public university of the country, Payame Noor University (PNU) has presented significant services to the Islamic Republic of Iran. For more than one quarter of a century from its establishment, PNU has succeeded in playing a vital role in admitting a vast number of students throughout the country particularly at deprived regions through offering educational justice as well as its motto of "education for everyone, everywhere and at every time" at all scientific, educational, research and cultural aspects.
However, what should be highlighted today is changing PNU to a third generation of entrepreneurship. In this way, we can take advantage of PNU students' and professors' technologically-based knowledge to set the ground for the promotion of our country's scientific, industrial bases, and its independency.
Payame Noor University, in line with other universities in the world, will do its best to change wisdom to asset, provide society's needs, substitute new need-analyzed and particularly interdisciplinary courses with traditional ones, and enhance interactive cooperation with organizations and industries. Obviously, in this road with all of its ups and downs, achievement of the mentioned goals would be possible solely with mutual and genuine collaboration of PNU esteemed academic members and staff operation and wise organization and execution of different university affairs and programs.
Ebrahim Taghizadeh
Dr Taghizadeh
Undoubtedly, the creative and influential role of universities in versatile development of the society is undeniable and scientific movement of universities affects all social, economic, political and cultural aspects. University is a place for training professional and skilled force of the country and administrators should seek to pave the way for rising thinking of different groups of the society.
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